Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to Stop Sylvia @!

As reported at God Prefers Steak: The Story of a Domain Move, an unscrupulous person named "Boris Kreiman" took over a domain name maintained by Robert Lancaster, the famous site at "Stop Sylvia Browne" (dot com). How did this happen? Robert had a stroke and the domain name lapsed, so Boris snapped it up.

This in and of itself is not particularly unethical. But what Boris did afterwards - such as offering to sell it back (after he'd found out about the stroke) for $20,000, and taking over the .net and .org versions of the new domain name []). Well. What's to stop him from further trying to cash in on Robert's hard work?

Someone else got a hold of, and they appear to be trying to help out Robert. It's a good idea.

So I, Jackalgirl, have snapped up and, to make sure that Boris and his cronies don't get them in order to pimp their craptastic stuff over at (don't worry, I set it up as a "nofollow" link). I will be occassionally posting about specific articles that Robert has written, waiting for the day - soon, I hope - when he's back at his keyboard working on more stuff.

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