Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sylvia Browne: Guilty of Fraud

Here's another article from Robert's site about Sylvia Browne at that's of some interest: in 1992, Sylvia Browne (and her then-husband "Dal" Browne) were convicted of securities fraud. Sylvia maintains innocence -- that she was duped by her husband. You can read all about it, including excerpts from newspaper articles about the situation, and make up your own mind about what it says (or doesn't say) about Browne.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Getting It So Hideously Wrong

The events of 9/11 are, collectively taken, one of those watershed moments in life. I think that every American will always remember what they were doing the moment they first heard the news, or watched what was going on on TV, especially when the towers came down.

You'd think that something of this level of monumentality (in many senses of the world) would leave as solid an impact on the spirit world -- if there is such a thing -- as it did on the physical world.

Either it didn't, or Sylvia Browne has absolutely no access to the spirit world whatsoever.

She was a regular guest on the Montel Williams show, and on May 24, 2006, she gave this reading to the bereaved girlfriend of a missing person. And boy, did she get it wrong.

This is a heartbreaking example of the kind of perfidy that she commits by pretending to be able to speak to people's (dead) loved ones. It is just awful, and it is just one of many examples of her doing this sort of thing to people that you can see at Robert Lancaster's collection of articles about Sylvia Browne.

Now, you might say that Robert's work is a big collection of confirmation bias, or otherwise to accuse him of only posting articles that portray Browne in a negative light. But note how he is constantly asking someone--anyone--to send him information on which he can follow up that confirms that she's actually able to do what she claims to do, and I think if you read the articles also, he's pretty generous about what he allows her for "hits" when he's trying to figure out her accuracy. He's even posted correspondence, unedited, from Browne's PR person, Linda Rossi.

Do you have proof that Browne is in any way what she claims to be? Robert's under the weather now, but if you go to the James Randi Educational Foundation Forum, you can post about it. Worried that they'll tear you to shreds over there? Well, yeah, there will be some jerks. But if you have information and you can actually back it up with evidence, you'll find more support than you might have expected there, too.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to Stop Sylvia @!

As reported at God Prefers Steak: The Story of a Domain Move, an unscrupulous person named "Boris Kreiman" took over a domain name maintained by Robert Lancaster, the famous site at "Stop Sylvia Browne" (dot com). How did this happen? Robert had a stroke and the domain name lapsed, so Boris snapped it up.

This in and of itself is not particularly unethical. But what Boris did afterwards - such as offering to sell it back (after he'd found out about the stroke) for $20,000, and taking over the .net and .org versions of the new domain name []). Well. What's to stop him from further trying to cash in on Robert's hard work?

Someone else got a hold of, and they appear to be trying to help out Robert. It's a good idea.

So I, Jackalgirl, have snapped up and, to make sure that Boris and his cronies don't get them in order to pimp their craptastic stuff over at (don't worry, I set it up as a "nofollow" link). I will be occassionally posting about specific articles that Robert has written, waiting for the day - soon, I hope - when he's back at his keyboard working on more stuff.